THE AFRICAN ELEPHANT- LOST IN TRADE The Loxodonta Africana, more commonly known as the African elephant, are the largest animals currently walking the earth. Weighing an immense 6 tons, the African elephant’s distinct features like the long trunk, the huge ears and strong tusks help them adapt to their surroundings. They are usually found in Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests, Flooded Grasslands and Savannahs, Miombo woodlands, Acacia savannahs . These magnificent creatures affect their ecosystem in numerous ways through their mass translocation and humongous size. Some examples are- · The African elephants feed on a range of vegetation from grasses to trees and forage over large areas. This makes them excellent seed dispersers, depositing seed-laden dung as they travel. · Their dung helps fertilize seedlings and enrich the soil with nutrients, thus supporting plant and tree renewal across the elephants’ range. T...
This October Speak Up For The Animals #NatureNotMoney